Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Two Under Two

You've made it through the first pregnancy, the first diaper change, the countless feedings and sleepless nights and then it's time to do it again. People say the second one is easier, but how? Is it because you know what's coming or is it because you're far more flexible about everything. Or is it because you have now found that perfect glass of wine that just makes it all go away, at least for a few minutes.

And for those mamas that have two under 2, you are amazing! Stroller Traffic has come up with a great survival guide for those mamas and all mamas with two (or more).

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Black Friday in July!

Hello fellow Target fans,

I have great news - Target is having a "secret" Black Friday sale tomorrow, online only.
Check out the preview.

Let me know if you get any good buys!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

All about him..

There's the Belly Button book about hippos and their belly buttons. There's the Snuggle Puppy book about the puppy. And now there's a book about your little one. If you and your little one are fans of Sandra Boynton, imagine the excitement when your little one realizes this book is all about him!

With just a few inputs and a few picture uploads, you'll have your own customized Sandra Boynton book.
Happy publishing!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Will you be sharing your new iPhone?

Has your little one discovered your new "toy" yet? If so, are you ready to share that iPhone or iPad with them? Seems only fair, we're always asking them to share their favorite toys.

Here is a sampling of some great apps that are fun and educational for kids of all ages.