Monday, March 29, 2010

Shop Carter's Online!

Carter's has just launched it's online store. Score 20% off your first order of $50 or more by April 15th. Just enter code CCC20 at checkout.

The ideal gift for your favorite preggo!

We have all experienced some crazy cravings when we're pregnant. These are usually cravings that our husbands don't understand but are sweet enough to indulge us with.

Now comes along the ultimate prego pickle treat!
The Pregnancy Pack of pickles will crave any pickle craving, instantly.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rotavirus vaccine suspended

The Glaxo Rotavirus vaccine has been suspended due to contamination. The Merck vaccine is not effected. You can find all the details here.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Toys R Us celebrates with free toys!

To celebrate Little Tyke's 40th birthday, Toys R Us has a great BOGO deal going on right now.
Just head to the store or shop online. They have a huge selection of toys, and some Crayola and Fisher Price items are included.

Happy stocking up!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mommy Podcast Reviews

from our guest blogger, Katie

Both of these are downloadable on iTunes

The Parent Experiment: Hosted by Teresa Strasser (you may remember her from the TLC show While You Were Out) and Lynette Carolla (wife of Adam Carolla – comedian and host of the 90s MTV show Loveline).

Teresa is a new mom to 4-month old Buster and Lynette has 3 ½ year old twins Sonny and Natalia. They are both very funny, down-to-earth moms who started the podcast because they were looking for mom friends to talk with and relate to and also found that there really wasn’t a show out there like it and wanted to fill a niche. It’s pretty new, they are about five or six episodes in but I’m hooked already.

They have a different guest each week. They’ve had on Mayim Bialik (you’ll remember her as Blossom) who has quite an alternative and fascinating parenting method of co-sleeping, potty training from two days old and nursing well into toddlerhood. Stefanie Wilder-Taylor (author of Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay) was also a guest on the show who spoke very open and honestly about her own trials and tribulations of motherhood and how she found herself drinking a bit too much wine in the evening to wind down. In addition to discussions with the guests, Teresa and Lynette have some great conversation about their own mommy experiences.

This one is a bit racy at times and not your typical poopy diaper, feeding schedule, sleep training parent podcast – it’s a lot more fun and makes me laugh. I got through 40 minutes on the elliptical machine listening to one on Saturday morning, kept me going.

Manic Mommies: Hosted by Erin and Kristin – two moms living in a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts – billed as the podcast for moms trying to do it all. In recent news Erin is moving to Rochester, NY but Manic Mommies will continue.

Erin has two sons – one in kindergarten and one in first grade, Kristin has a son in kindergarten and daughter in pre-school. They both work full-time so they talk a lot about the daily life of juggling work and being a mom. Their kids are a bit older than my 11-month old so it’s more of a glimpse into my future of driving to games, birthday parties, cub scouts and such but the basic “mom stuff” that they talk about is the same and very relatable for all of us moms.

They sometimes have guests and sometimes just chat it up about what’s going on in their own lives with their children or what vacations they’ve taken or activities they’ve done with their kids. They have discussions about simple everyday topics like meal planning, budgeting and exercise and some heavier ones like raising your child without religion.

Erin and Kristin definitely keep me giggling and I look forward to listening to them on Monday mornings. I’ve gotten lot of great mommy tips from them and they have many times made me feel not so overwhelmed about being a working mommy and realize that so many of us are in the same boat trying to get it all done.. and then some.

Friday, March 5, 2010

If you needed a reason for one more cookie

As I was doing my usual morning read through email and Facebook, I came across a story that gave me such perspective and gratitude for each fun, exciting, and even challenging day I get to spend with my little one (like today where she didn't take a nap until 3:30pm).

Cookies for Kids' Cancer was started by a family after their 2 year old son was diagnosed with a rare pediatric cancer. The survival rate of his cancer is less than 30% primarily because of the lack of research and funding towards a cure. They started this organization to raise money for all pediatric cancers. It's heartbreaking to read a story about any child suffering and makes me so thankful for the health and happiness we experience each day.

I wanted to bring this to everyone's attention because as parents, we know how devastating this can be for any family. What can you do to help raise funds for pediatric cancer? Through CKC you can have a bake sale and send funds to the organization or you can purchase some of their delicious cookies for yourself or as gifts.

I'm going to try to figure out a way to do a virtual bake sale by taking orders, stay tuned!